
Energy in relationship

You know how when you meet someone, you just get the feel, the vibe of them? We all have a vibe, an energy – that’s a given yes? Well, the reason emotions have such a significant role in relationship is – they’re energy in motion. Handling emotions has a profound impact in how a relationship […]

By Mukti | blog

Validation and eggshells

Your partner sees you as no-one else does. They sleep with you, eat with you, see you under stress. They get to hear what troubles you, delights you, what you need emotionally.  There’s a deep and beautiful vulnerability in this.  They may validate you – I hope they do. Validate your feelings and needs. Affirming […]

By Mukti | blog

Emotions are intelligent

“Emotions do not deserve being put into opposition with intelligence. Emotions themselves are a higher order of intelligence.” Orval Hobart Mowrer Understanding intense emotions is essential if we are to experience intimate relationships and love. They will be stimulated everyday, often. That’s not a bad thing. Infact emotions bring a unique possibility for connection. Ignoring, […]

By Mukti | blog

Lean In, To Love

“6 Keys To Make Your Man More Attracted And In Love With You“ were in my inbox this morning. Ick. Here are 6 reasons why that completely turns my toes up. I have had so many marketing people trying to get me to talk to you like this. I can’t do it. I have tremendous […]

By Mukti | blog

The best and the worst

One of my best and most painful relationship experiences ever, EVER, was with a man I loved deeper than deep and yet with whom I also experienced much emotional distance and confusion. Soooo, crazy-making, right? I can say intellectually and bravely, “I learned a lot.” And that’s true. But it would be less than honest […]

By Mukti | blog


Some time ago I was in a conversation with my husband. I had seen an email he had written and was objecting. “Why aren’t you being honest?” “You should be honest”. On and on I prodded. I surprised myself how irritated I felt about this response he was writing to another mutual friend. It was […]

By Mukti | blog

Fall back into your heart…

Come with me here… Do you feel guilty, stuck, or inadequate when you try to express yourself with your partner? Do you fear saying how you feel and what you want because you don’t want to appear needy? Do you believe that having a good relationship is hard work, especially for you? Do you think […]

By Mukti | blog

For intimacy, sex and relationship…

Have you noticed a widespread obsession with the electrifying experience of falling-in-love and at the same time a lack of knowing how to progress from there to delicious hot-smouldering-coals love? i.e. a lack of understanding about what enables love to evolve from the initial limerence of being in-love? Apathy and idealism often collide. People either […]

By Mukti | blog

How do I get someone to change?

IF you are not in touch with the feelings and needs of the one that you wish would change, then I would URGE you to focus there. This applies to personal and professional relationships. Adults and children. I’m not just speaking of an intellectual understanding though … Connection at this deeper level to underlying feelings […]

By Mukti | blog

Annoyed, instead of feeling loving toward your person?

Here’s my response to this recent question – “I’m more often annoyed rather than [loving] with my Love, help please!” Annoyance is essentially anger. It’s on the anger spectrum, kind of in the middle, with irritability at one end and rage at the other. I love that you are acknowledging your annoyance. Personal responsibility precedes […]

By Mukti | blog