Deepen And Nurture Your Relationship

*By application only

Do you need time to focus on each other without distractions? Do you successfully have the conversations your intimate relationship needs, in order to grow and evolve?

Come for a magical long weekend to reconnect with each other. Drop into connection within yourself and with your partner.

During this weekend you will be in an extraordinarily beautiful place where you can relax and refocus on love, affection and nurturing time for your relationship. Having the space and support to learn how to have the conversations which keep your relationship fresh.

Without this, a relationship is prone to getting stuck in resentment and judgments, unresolved past pain, no-go topic zones, increasing emotional and physical distance and diminishing trust and tenderness.

Attend as a couple or individual in relation to your partner or family member.

This event is not suitable for everyone. Find out if it is a match for you today via a Clarity Call

You will discover

  • numerous ways of  truly ‘meeting’ each other so your particular style is effective
  • repairing connection and trust – why sorry doesn’t build trust and what does
  • engaging in sensitive topics fully so you can discuss everything and be truly intimate with each other
  • handling differences to deepen love so when conflicts come up, you have a shared approach which deepens your understanding of each other and delivers decisions you both support
  • gratitude and passion so that you fuel the love and enthusiasm you have for each other and being together


Is this for you?

  • If you’ve completed or purchased the Two Things To Know and Connection Essentials Courses – then yes! This is going to build on what you’ve learned in Connection Essentials.
  • If you want material to guide you to repeatedly have those important, challenging and deeply rewarding conversations, which heal love, trust and connection – yes! This will be awesome for you 🙂
  • It’s important to de-escalate your emotions before approaching healing conversations. Revisit your Two Things To Know Mini-Course or get help, if need be.
  • If your Negative/ Disconnection Cycle is strongly activated be sure to seek either help here – Private Support or through a local couple specialist professional.

Time involved

  • 6 x approx. 40 minutes learning per module
  • Recommend 1 module every 1 – 2 weeks, or as needed
  • Applying what you learn, take it at your own pace.
  • 45 minutes per fortnight x 26 for your Group Mentoring Calls
  • 45 minutes per fortnight x 4 with Connection Essentials Practice Group