Ready For Relationship Program

Discover how you and love fit together

If you are at a point where you are over being on your own. You want to share love and the intimacies of life with someone super special.

Maybe you are wondering if this is even possible though? A little worried about whether you can successfully do this?

Would you like to be able to:

  • Embrace vulnerability alongside independence and self-sufficiency
  • Bring your fears and doubts about relationship and intimacy into the light
  • Heal past relationship pain with self-compassion and harvesting the wisdom
  • Fall deeply in-love with yourself beyond critical thoughts
  • Clarify what is necessary and important for you in life and with your partner
  • Learn the unconscious way YOU determine whether someone approaches you or not

It’s common to have unconscious aspects of thinking and emotions, especially when it comes to our intimate relationship hopes, dreams and habits. Sometimes – in the worst way. So you’re not alone and since you are here, you’re obviously willing to go beyond this!

You don’t have to know how, just to have decided you want to clear the way.

This private program is designed to help you become clear, realign and ready for a whole new level of love and intimate relationship.

If you want to leave behind past relationship mistakes and become relationship ready, I’m here to show you the way.

When I began I felt defeated and sad, I wanted to address why I always leave my partners. I now have new insight and changes in how I understand myself, the way I perceive the world, and relate to others and difficulties in relationship. Go for it! This program will bring you so much light, compassion and the tools to step out of your fears, to be empowered, positive, connected in how you relate to your partner. Private online sessions with Mukti are life changing.

M.F. Ibiza

As a “Ready For Relationship Member”, you will be

Identifying and Clearing blocks to love

  • Releasing old beliefs about what is possible
  • Clearing how you unconsciously get in the way of trustworthy emotional intimate connection
  • Re-aligning your reactions and your response to reactions – to make way for love!

Reinventing your communication

  • How to re-center, respect yourself and be grounded with a partner’s emotion
  • Speaking Up: How to express yourself with warmth and honesty so your needs are valued and respected.
  • Listening Deeply: How to be a healing presence with healthy boundaries, even during hard conversations.

Healing and Recalibrating

  • Healing past pain and “rejection” and re-building trust in yourself, around others
  • Re-calibrating your energetic love match-ability 🙂

Learning how to nurturing Relationship in a new way

  • Why Sorry isn’t enough: Knowing how to repair small and large disconnections
  • Discovering and put into practice what nurtures you and intimate relationship

Completing Your Love Signature

Understanding what you bring, drop expectations and know what suits you, in a relationship

How is the program delivered?

Ten x 60 minute sessions, relevant resources and email contact between sessions as needed plus the online course, Connection Essentials form the program.

Because I’m an online educator as well as a therapist coach, when you are working with me you have access to $700 of bonus online resources

Yes! you will not only have help for your specific goal in this private program, you gain lifetime access to easy, self paced courses which will help you maintain and grow long after we finish.

You’ll learn everything that your parents and teachers just didn’t know about creating positive cycles of love and connection. And how to bring all the personal development and spiritual inner work you’ve done – more fully into your everyday life and conversations.

Next Step

But is Ready For Relationship right for you?  Let’s meet so we can both be sure. It has to be right for you and there are a couple of situations where it might not be. So if you would you like to discuss and see if it’s a fit for you, please book an Introductory Call below.

I look forward to chatting with you!