The ‘label’ SINGLE…

The ‘label’ SINGLE…

I have been inviting women who are not in relationship to join me for a very special retreat.

I’ve been surprised and saddened about just how many women feel embarrassed or ashamed of the ‘label’ SINGLE. Our society gives many messages and too easily we take them on, that not being in an intimate relationship somehow says something about YOU and your lovability.

As if not being in relationship is a negative and if we admit out-loud that this is our status perhaps we will put the mocha on ourselves. Never be in a relationship (seen as the desirable status) again …

Yet what I KNOW, is that so long as we are even secretly or unconsciously not WILLING to BE TRUE to ourselves about our current reality, we are separate and in judgment of ourselves. 

If that’s you then I’m holding out my hand with SO much LOVE for that part of you. I totally get this. I know this.

So I am extending this invitation to you my friend. blank blank blank

Contact me today to talk about whether this unique and exquisite retreat experience is right for you.



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